Sunday, October 03, 2004


Toy Soldiers

by Dmitry Chernikov

The military, that greatest conservative institution in the U.S. and the embodiment of strength and honor, protects the American people from aggression. The foolish and cowardly naysayers do not comprehend how many foreign tyrants are looking to plunder our nation's silverware, force Microsoft to publish the Windows source code, and convert us to Islam at gunpoint. Our soldiers spread American virtues all over the globe, protecting the weak, establishing order, and securing important resources for the American consumer. God bless our guys, and may the sacrifices they make for all of us every single day be always remembered.
Such is our carefully cultivated myth about the military. This is why the citizen-subjects of this great country overlook the obvious fact that the modern military is a Communist establishment.
Make no mistake: when a person joins the army, he for all intents and purposes defects to the former Soviet Union and asserts a preference for life under total state. Consider:
His life will be strictly regimented by his superiors to the extent which would have horrified a Soviet miner.
During the time of his incarceration he will be completely useless to his fellow man. Instead of starting a business or learning a trade, he will be learning how to destroy in the blink of an eye what others have spent years and even centuries building.
As a result of the brainwashing he will receive in the army he will run a serious risk of losing his ability to think critically. In addition, I fail to see how a man who has killed in an unjust war and has not repented can be a moral man or a believer in God.
He will be turned into a weapon to be used according to the whims of the General Secretary of the Republican-Democrat party in Washington, D.C. He will be used to kill innocents, disrupt free trade, prop up tyrants at home and abroad, and foment hatred for private American citizens.
He will be used as a guinea pig in government experiments, and, if he goes to war, he will likely be exposed to chemicals, radiation, and suchlike without his knowledge or consent, all of which will cause him to die well before his time.
Now I do not want to be unfair and overlook the benefits of military service. In general, a young man should consider joining the army if
He likes to kill people and destroy private and public property.
He thinks that he will enjoy recreations such as driving a tank or shooting big guns.
He believes that the military will give him ample opportunity to rape local women and use the services of prostitutes, e.g. while on shore leave.
He wishes to acquire certain rare skills, e.g. the skill of demolition or piloting airplanes or even hostage negotiation.
He lives in a society where the dominant type of relationship is the hegemonic bond, for instance, a barbarian tribe or a military state geared for conquest, such that the most expeditious path to advancement is through a career in the military.
We have to admit that the historically greatest benefit of being a soldier – the ability to loot sacked cities – is offered less frequently these days. But for true professionals there are many opportunities to do well financially.
There was a reason why the Founders abhorred standing armies. It is very dangerous to have a well-armed, extremely expensive, mindlessly obedient, and uncivilized group of Communists among a free people.
Here then is a genuine pro-liberty reform. Let us root out Communism in our own midst. Let these poor government workers truly serve the people in the market, even as private security guards and consultants. Let international companies hire their own mercenaries so that everybody knows that the latter are not financed by our money. Let war contractors make the proverbial plowshares. Let the Joint Chiefs of Staff change their vocation to the Amazing Siamese Twins in a travelling circus. In short, abolish the standing army.

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